I have seen some rather prominent Christian leaders who have suffered total moral collapse.
In each case the first sign of impending disaster, the first outward mark of inward deterioration,
was a shift in their view of the authority of the Word of God.
There is a very definite link between moral decline and the authority of Scripture.
A devotion introduction for October
The Word of God has been under attack for many centuries. Like an ancient castle, it has withstood many assaults. Up to and through the 17th century these attacks were primarily outward. That is, they were an assault from without by men who tried to destroy the Scriptures by rather direct methods. History is full of accounts of book burnings, papal interdicts, and even the murder of translators of the Word of God. But these outward attacks against the Bible utterly failed.
In the 18th century a new approach was made by the enemies of Scripture.
Instead of sending soldiers to attack the castle, the enemies of the Bible sent workmen — carpenters, bricklayers and masons — who came offering to remodel the whole structure.
They said, in effect, This is a good, strong building. It simply needs a bit of renovation here and there.
They began to rearrange the structure of the castle of God's Word.
They drained the moat, tore down the wall, removed the doors, and when they were through, everything was quite different from before.
There was no longer any castle there and no longer any defense for those who would seek a refuge.
As to any permanent or lasting effect on the church as a whole, this attack from those who stand in pulpits and
those who sit in theological chairs in seminaries will, and has, utterly failed.
For Jesus said, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,
{Matthew 16:18b KJV}.
No force will really overthrow the Word of God; we never need to fear that.