But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14-15
In this passage, Paul outlines the process by which the Scriptures lay hold of our minds.
He says to Timothy, Continue in what you have learned.
That is the first thing to do with the Bible — learn what it says.
Timothy had only the Old Testament and, perhaps, just a few of the books which we call the New Testament.
But he had the written Word of God, and Paul commands him to learn what it had to say.
This requires repeated reading. There is no other way by which you can be exposed to the thinking of God except by regularly reading the Word of God. In the Bible he has condescended to give us his thoughts on everything about ourselves, about the world in which we live, the times that come upon us, and about the morals and ethics of our behavior. The Word of God will drastically alter your own thinking. You will think differently about yourself and others; you will regard your husband, or your wife, and your children in a totally different way. You will regard the frantic pursuit of wealth and pleasure in a different light. You will make decisions on a totally different basis. This Book will drastically alter the way you behave.
Not only did Timothy learn these things, he believed them.
Paul says to continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of
(2 Timothy 3:14b).
Timothy acted upon what he had learned.
You do not really believe something until you practice it.
James tells us not just to be hearers of the word but doers (James 1:22).
It does not do a bit of good to just say you believe the Bible from cover to cover.
Do what it says.
Practice the truth, act on it.
The process begins with the mind being instructed, then the heart being fully convinced, and then you practice what you believe.
There were two factors here which helped Timothy believe the Scriptures: First, the Scriptures came to him through certain loved and trusted people. It is much easier to believe what the Bible says when it comes to us through people we trust. The second factor is that this came to Timothy at a very early age. Parents should not miss that emphasis. Childhood is a wonderful time to get the truth of the Scriptures into a young person's heart.
The result of learning and believing the Scriptures is salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
The effect of the Scriptures is to save us, to transform us, to keep us from the downhill slide that is evident in every life not in touch with the Word of God.
Everybody starts out life with certain hopes, dreams, and ideals, but unless he has the guiding of the Scriptures, inevitably he will find himself not moving toward, but away from the high ideals with which he began.
This is the certain fate of those who do not have the guideline of Scripture.
Thank you for the Scriptures, Lord, and thank you for those who have taught me. Help me immerse myself in them, act upon the truth I find there, and pass them on to those you have entrusted to my care. Amen.
Life Application
Am I continuing in what I have learned? Am I growing in my knowledge and application of the Scriptures? Who has God placed in my life to pour into?