Ray Stedman was a pastor's pastor, who could expound and explore with his peers biblical truths over which many commonly struggle. His gifted teaching abilities allowed the message of the gospel to be grasped and embraced across a broad cross-section of Christendom. But it was his desire for pastors to be able themselves to understand and carefully explain these truths that led Ray to form the Rogue River Fellowship, a leading-edge, diverse group of charismatic and evangelical men, to thrash out doctrinal and theological matters. Preserved and presented here are the essays that grew out of this unique gathering of church leaders. We expect they will be a catalyst to your own further study and understanding.
Under the initiation of Doug Shearer, senior pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship of Sacramento, CA, we are unofficially representing a broad section of evangelical traditions to address various practices and beliefs in the churches. Our common burden is to address such contemporary church issues as demonic deliverance, political involvement, inner healing, modern day prophecy, worship styles, etc. One goal is to make statements where we all agree on both rights and wrongs in these areas. We intend to address issues and practices rather than specific groups. We are amazed to find how much agreement we can get on issues such as binding demons, an area where there are vast differences within the group.
The name "Rogue Fellowship" may come from the character of the participants, the character of the heterodoxies and heteropraxies we hope to define, or from the fact that we first met in Ray Stedman's house overlooking the Rogue River in Grants Pass, Oregon.
- Gerry E. Breshears, Western Seminary; Portland, OR
- Rick Booye, Trail Christian Fellowship; Eagle Point, OR
- Joel Burnell, Biblical Theological Seminary; Wroclaw, Poland
- Ray C. Stedman, Pastor Emeritus, Peninsula Bible Church; Palo Alto, CA
- Zenas Bicket, President of Berean College (Assemblies of God)
- Glen Cole, Pastor of Capitol Christian Fellowship; Sacramento, CA
- Richard Paradise and Douglas Shearer, Pastors of New Hope Christian Fellowship; Sacramento, CA
- Bob Bonner, Pastor of Calvary Crossroads; Grants Pass, OR
- Garry Friesen, dean of faculty of Multnomah School of the Bible; Portland, OR