For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16a
Every generation, every century, has seen this happen. Throughout history, Christians have been persecuted and martyred. They have been bound in animal skins and left to shrink in the hot sun, thrown into lions' dens, burnt alive, and exiled. Why the violent opposition to this remarkable Word with its power to bless and transform? There are three major reasons:
First, the gospel ignores all human achievement.
God is totally unimpressed with degrees, awards, position, tenure, wealth, or any other trappings of power.
Everybody must come to him the same way — by admitting they cannot help themselves, and by accepting salvation as a gift from the hand of God through Christ.
As the old hymn puts it, Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.
Religious achievements, a good belief system, or good moral behavior do not impress God.
There is only one way to approach him, and that is through Jesus.
Jesus himself declared, No one can come to the Father but by me
(John 14:6).
You may believe in God, but you will never know him as Father unless you come by Jesus.
God insists that there is only one way to be reconciled with him, and that is through Christ.
That makes a lot of people very angry.
But whether Buddhists or Muslims, Baptists or Presbyterians, religious performance does nothing to impress God.
Neither will it change us.
The only thing that can change us is the Word of God, received by faith.
The second reason the gospel arouses violent opposition is that it exposes human pride.
There is a terrible evil in all of us, which we try to hide.
I find it in myself.
I am stubborn at times, and I excuse myself on the grounds that people need to be stubborn occasionally.
Besides, I am half Scot and the Scots are known for stubbornness.
But that is nothing but pride, an independent spirit that says, I don't need any help.
I can make it on my own.
We are all guilty of this in varying degrees, but we keep it under control for fear of recrimination or out of a desire not to be known as prideful or stubborn.
But if the restraints are removed, that pride will suddenly break out in the most terrible form of viciousness and vindictiveness.
A third reason why the gospel arouses opposition is because it forgives blatant sinners, those who richly deserve death and hell in the eyes of the world. The Pharisees were very offended because Jesus received adulterers, prostitutes, swindlers and outcasts, while they themselves, respectable moral people, were excluded. That is why they finally killed Jesus. Many oppose the gospel because it appeals to the disreputable. But that is its glory: it can change anyone who will receive it in humility and contrition.
Thank you for the gospel, Lord. I ask that you would root out my pride that glories in human achievement and balks at your mercy shown to sinners.
Life Application
Where have you seen opposition to the gospel caused by human pride? How can you deal with the remnants of that same pride in your own heart?