Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice,
Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.Rev 5:1-4
What does this scroll represent?
Why is it sealed?
Who can be found to open it?
What is required in order to open the scroll?
This is a rolled up paper or parchment with seven seals on the end.
As the seals are broken, the scroll is unrolled and the writings upon it can be read.
In chapter 6, the opening of these seals and unrolling of this scroll will reveal certain momentous events which begin to occur upon the earth.
As it unrolls, we are carried on through chapter 9, and in chapter 10 we find the scroll completely unrolled.
There, a clue is given as to what this scroll signifies.
John is told: But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets
(Rev. 10:7).
So this scroll is a mystery
It answers questions that people have been asking for generations.
Why can't we solve the great problems of mankind?
We hear much about the progress humans have made — tremendous technological advances, the wonders that science has produced — and we pat ourselves on the back and say, We are right on the verge of perfection.
But when we look back on history, we find that the truly great problems are the same since the very dawn of time — the problems of war, conflict between human beings, crime, evil and prejudice — and these have always been with us.
Why can't we solve such problems?
This scroll answers that question.
One of the writers of our day, Annie Dillard, asks what she calls the chief theological question of all time,
What the Sam Hill is going on here anyway?
Do you ever feel that way?
Things happen in your life and you cannot understand them; they seem to be without meaning or reason.
You say with disgust, What the Sam Hill is going on here anyway?
That is the question this scroll answers.
How will God ever straighten out this mess and fulfill his promise of a golden age, when men will live in a world without war, bloodshed, hatred and prejudice?
How is it to be brought about?
People have been dreaming of such a world at peace for centuries, but no one has found it.
John hears an invitation to all the universe, proclaimed by a mighty angel, that if anyone can open this scroll, let him step forward.
Who is worthy,
he cries, to open the scroll?
It is the question that is the basis for all politics.
In every election year it is what we are asking, is it not?
Who is worthy?
Who among us is capable of leading us into solutions to the problems that have been here for centuries?
Who is smart enough?
Who is moral enough?
Who is worthy?
Lord Jesus, only you are worthy to open the scroll revealing the secrets of history and providing solutions. Amen.
Life Application
What are the great mysteries that cause you to ask, "What the Sam Hill is going on here anyway?" Will you bow before him who is worthy to open the scroll?