I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
Rev 3:8
As the letter of our Lord to the church at Philadelphia continues, he writes, I know that you have little strength.
There is no word in Greek for I know.
What it literally says is, …because you have a little power and have kept my word and have not denied my name.
The church is being given the reasons why the Lord opened a door for them.
What the text actually says is, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut because you have a little power and have kept my word and not denied my name.
This teaches us that an open door is given when a church fulfills the conditions that will allow it to move through that door once it has been opened. Chief among those conditions is that it has discovered the power of the Spirit. It is not so much strength as it is power — power obtained by faith, i.e., by expecting God to act. Individuals in the church sense that God can do something. They look for an opportunity, and when they respond, a door opens for continued service which may grow even wider so others may enter with them.
Ephesians 2:10 is one of the most exciting verses in the New Testament.
Paul says, We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.
That is why you have been made a Christian — that you might do good works — deeds of help, mercy, kindness, witness, love, comfort, counsel and strength.
That is what each member of the church is capable of doing.
And then comes the exciting part: which God has prepared beforehand for us to walk in them.
When you are confronted with a need, it may appear insignificant at first.
Perhaps it is a neighbor with a heavy heart; perhaps it is a family member who has what may appear to be a minor problem.
When you respond to that, however, it becomes an open door.
Ministry may grow out of it which will challenge and bless you as you go on.
Notice that the Lord says to this church, you have a little power.
This stresses the fact that most churches hardly realize the potential they have for ministry.
Each believer has been given spiritual gifts and has been commissioned by him to use those gifts to bless people and meet their needs.
Yet how few of us enter into this!
What vast potential resides in a single congregation if everyone would exercise the ministry that has been given them!
The presence of the Spirit is promised to each church without any condition whatsoever. When we know Christ, the Spirit comes to live within our hearts and to reside there. But the power of the Spirit is given only to those churches who learn to keep his word and not deny his name! Those two things are central in the ministry of every church.
Lord, thank you for creating me in Christ Jesus for good works. Thank you that you have prepared them beforehand. Help me to be faithful in walking in them. Amen.
Life Application
Reflect on the ministry opportunities the Lord has placed before you. In what ways has God uniquely equipped you with "a little power" to respond?