Psalms: Folk Songs of Faith
The psalms are designed to teach us to do one thing -- to worship.
These psalms reflect every human emotion, but they do so in an important way:
they are emotions seen in relationship to God.
This book, therefore, teaches us how to be honest before God.
A devotion introduction for October
This month, we will discover the treasure of what many regard as the richest part of Scripture. C. H. Spurgeon called the Psalms the treasury of David, and a treasury is a place where riches are kept.
The Psalms are the folk songs of the Bible, and this is a generation that loves folk songs. These marvelous ancient folk songs are much like the ballad style of music that we hear so much today, which simply recounts the experiences of various men and women. The Psalms relate the experiences of believers of the past, reflecting on the emotional upsets, problems, and disturbances that saints of old have endured. Their songs tell how they found their way through, and they are wonderful, therefore, for helping us in our emotional pressures. There is no book like the Psalms to meet the need of the heart when it is discouraged and defeated or when it is elated and encouraged. This book is absolutely without peer in its expression of emotion. The Psalms are helpful simply because they teach us how to find our way through many types of problems.
Most of the Psalms were written by David, but not all. Some were written by his choir leaders in Jerusalem, and the names of Asaph, Jeduthun, Ethan, and others appearing in the Psalms are royal choirmasters. One or two were written by Moses, and one or two by King Solomon. There are several Psalms whose authors it is impossible to identify. The whole book is a collection that has been put together by the ancient Hebrews in order that we might understand the joys and sorrows that the people of God have experienced and how they found their way out during times of difficulty.
PLEASE NOTE: The devotions for October 15-19 were written by David Roper.