For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
Titus 2:11
The appearing of grace covers the entire life and ministry of Jesus Christ, from the birth of Jesus through the Cross and the Resurrection; from Bethlehem to the Mount of Olives; from the open heavens when the shepherds heard the voices of the angels singing, to the open heavens when the disciples looked up and saw him disappearing into the clouds of heaven.
Thirty-three years, yet one appearing of Jesus Christ.
The word appearing
is, in the original language, epiphany.
It has been transliterated into English and means a shining forth.
The wonderful phrasing of the New English Bible reads, The grace of God has dawned upon the world.
What a beautiful expression that is!
Grace means that the first subject on God's agenda to discuss with man is not judgment, but love.
It is amazing how many today fear that if they draw near to God, the first thing God wants to talk about is condemnation, that he wishes to punish them for their sins.
But the Scripture says, God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved,
(John 3:17).
God's first concern with man is not judgment.
For almost 2,000 years, God has permitted man to have his way.
He is allowing man, in his ignorance and willfulness, to abuse and misuse God's gift of life to him in order that he may have the opportunity to hear the whole wonderful tale of redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, that there is a way out of man's misery and heartache and sinfulness.
Not only is the nature of this appearing plainly described for us as grace, but the purpose of it is clearly announced — to bring salvation to all people. Do not read that as saying that all men will be saved automatically, regardless of how they believe or live, for there are far too many Scriptures, including those from the mouth of Jesus himself, that say quite otherwise. Salvation is never put on an automatic basis. It is not that all men will be saved, but that all men can be saved. The grace of God has appeared that all men can be saved. It is available to all. Though it is true that God's first subject with man is His love and grace, nevertheless, if a man will not talk on that subject, then eventually God must move to the subject of condemnation and of judgment. But if man will talk with God about grace, the result is salvation.
Thank you, Father, for the appearing of grace, and that through that appearing I can know that I am loved and need not fear judgment.
Life Application
What does God's grace mean to you, and how does it make a difference in your life? Will you thank God for the salvation that comes through His grace?