That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
Ephesians 1:19b-21
You will never find out what God can do with you until you begin to step out and take on some activity that you need power for. Then you will discover his power. What are some of the wonderful things this power can do? First, this power allows us to face our inner hurts and fears. Many people are locked into uselessness by dwelling on their past. It helps to know your past and to acknowledge it. But once you know the things that set you on a wrong path, you also have to remember that the Scripture says we are to forget the things that are past and press on, because we are new creatures in Christ Jesus. We are no longer what we once were, and therefore we can set aside that past, having once faced it and seen its impact upon us. Day by day we begin to walk with God as his newly created child. We will discover that this power will enable us to overcome all the dysfunctions of a bad past.
Second, it is power to abandon evil habits.
I know Christians who are still in bondage to habits that have held them in an iron grasp — alcoholism, drug use, an evil temper, lustful practices, and bad attitudes.
Here is a power that enables you to say No!
to these things, and to go on saying No.
It can break the grip of these things upon us.
It is a power to restore broken relationships.
There may be members of your family or friends that you haven't spoken to for a long time.
You may be bitter over some experience that you had long ago, and you never want to forgive somebody for what they have done.
Here is power to forgive, power to remember that you have been forgiven.
Therefore you can forgive, and you can heal those broken relationships, and give a word of acceptance to somebody who has been estranged from you.
Finally it is power to reach out to others to help them in their need. It is power to respond to people's hurts around you and power to take time to minister to them. This is what makes a church function as God intended it to in society. The church is God's great funnel through which all this great power flows.
Lord, thank you for the power to face my inner fears, to abandon evil habits, and to reach out to others in need. May I be a funnel through which your power flows.
Life Application
Are you ready to rely on God's power to experience changes within your heart and in your behavior, and to reach out to others who need help?