Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
What a beautiful picture this is of the church! It begins with peace: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
Churches are to live at peace.
The word rule
is the word for act as an umpire.
Baseball fans know that the man in the blue suit who stands behind the catcher rules on the plays and makes the calls.
He remains unruffled no matter what happens.
Managers curse him and kick dirt at him, fans throw pop bottles at him, yet he remains unperturbed.
That is the idea here: let the calmness of Christ rule among you.
Consider Jesus in the gospels.
He moves into every situation with total poise.
He remains calm and collected when other people are panicking.
I was at a meeting with Christians who were divided into two factions.
What they were discussing were questions of turf, of who had the right to do such and such a thing.
The spokesman of one group was rather difficult; he was loud, accusatory and abrasive.
The spokesman for the other party, however, remained calm and peaceful and did not react in kind.
Thus, before long things began to be worked out and the meeting ended in harmony.
Everybody understood one another.
That is what Paul is urging here.
His peace may possess our hearts and act as an umpire
among us.
Another thing is to be thankful. We find this exhortation everywhere in Scripture.
Christians are to have an attitude of gratitude about everything.
Because we know that we do not deserve anything.
Everything comes to us as a gift of God's love.
We learn from the Scriptures that we are members of a fallen race.
At birth we began to manifest rebellion, treason and enmity against the things of God. We are self-centered and opposed to others.
We have all manifested that right from birth. God, in perfect justice, could have wiped out this entire race and none of us would have hope for anything in this life or beyond.
But God sent his only Son that we should not perish but have everlasting life.
What a gift!
And everything else comes with it: He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Does that not awaken gratitude in your heart?
Christians are to have a sense of gratefulness for even a crust of bread or a glass of water because it is all undeserved.
So be thankful.
Let thankfulness characterize your meetings.
Let there be an attitude of gratitude!
Jesus, I pray that your peace would rule in my heart as well the hearts of those around me. Thank you for your grace and mercy in my life. Amen.
Life Application
In what areas of your life is the peace of Christ not ruling as an umpire? Take some time to hand that over to the Prince of Peace.